If you're wondering if homebirth is right for you, or how to find the right midwife, you're on the right path. Some next steps to take include:
Educate yourself about out-of-hospital birth.
Read the birth stories on this website and others like it.
Read Ina May Gaskin. Check out Citizens for Midwifery.
Watch this TedX video with Saraswathi Vedam.
Talk to people who have had homebirths.
Join Meet the Midwives on the second Tuesday of the month from noon - 1:30 pm on Zoom. Register at Natural Resources.
Meet some midwives. You can find a list of great midwives here.
Contact me to meet in person
If you're looking for some resources around your pregnancy, birth and beyond, here are some of the contacts I value.
Linda Gruber Acupuncture (Sausalito)
East-West Acupuncture (Glen Park and Bernal Heights)
SF Community Acupuncture (Mission/16th St)
Community Acupuncture Works (Mission/24th St)
Secret Garden Acupuncture (Downtown)
Birth Tub Rentals:
Meal Delivery Services
Doulas - Birth
Gal Givol
Doulas - Postpartum
Social Media
Instagram: sbeemw, SFHomebirth Collective, BirthBecomesHer
Podcast: Doing it at Home
Podcast: The Birth Hour
Spinning Babies Your Pregnancy: Week-by-Week email newsletter
Rockstar Birth (You don’t have to subscribe to the magazine to read lots of good posts, listen to the podcast and more)